Important dates

Submission of abstracts: September 15, 2022 November 15, 2022
Abstract Acceptance Notification: December 15, 2022 January 30, 2023
Conference registration: February 15, 2023 April 30, 2023


Please download the orals presentation programme here

Please download the posters presentation programme here


The registration is closed, Thank you for your interest

Accommodation and Dinner

Please note that you are responsible for arranging your own accommodation and dinner.

We recommend making reservations as soon as possible. A list of hotels and contacts will be shared on our symposium website for your convenience.


Transportation from the airport will be provided. Please let us know your estimated arrival time and which airport you will be using.

Oral and Poster presentation templates

Please download the Poster template here.

Please download the oral presentation here.

Full Papers and Proceedings

All accepted and presented papers (both oral and posters) will be published in a Conference Proceedings.


As a participant, your communication will be reviewed for full publication. We have a list of journals that have agreed to process our publications. Please select a journal and let us know where you would like your work to be published.

Please consult the “Instruction for Authors” for that publication and make necessary adjustments to your manuscript accordingly. The deadline for submitting your manuscript is May 20th, 2023.